Maintaining a long relationship is always a challenge. Much more, it is tougher in a threesome. The reason is that there are more feelings involved. There are two couples and a third party.
Also, there is a need to keep a long relationship in a threesome for several reasons. These include the health status of the parties involved, familiarity, and being able to abide by set rules.
Keep reading to learn the rules that will preserve your long threesome relationship.
Rules of threesomes if you want to keep a long relationship
Set Boundaries
You can get a man or woman as your threesome partner. For the FFM threesome, women are two while there is only one man. The MMF threesome has two men and a woman. Whichever case it is, there is a need to set boundaries to control activities. (Reading: 12 Sex Positions for an FFM Threesome)
These boundaries will include the place to meet, the time to meet, the necessary activities, and other measures. It is commonly said that "where there is no law, there is no sin." The boundaries serve as the guide for activities. This way, you can sustain a threesome relationship for a long period.
Ensure everyone is comfortable
There is a wise saying that “the heart wants what it wants.” The truth is that the heart loves comfort and will not trade it for another option. Hence, you should provide comfort for every person involved.
For example, you can provide a little stipend for transportation for the third person. This encourages them and makes them want to visit another time. Also, you can provide food or anything that will make them feel comfortable like it is their house.
In the same vein, your partner must feel comfortable with this new adventure. They must be ready to participate and not feel left out. As a partner, you must be quick to talk to them about it, resolve possible differences and engage them in the next experiences.
If everyone is comfortable, there will surely be another time and many more times.
Stay awake
To stay awake is to show interest in the entire act. Losing interest in sexual activities can happen when it gets monotonous. However, it is more discouraging when one of the parties involved has fallen sleep.
Staying awake shows your willingness to be a part of the activity. There are different ways to ensure this. You can engage every party involved in some games or discussions about their common interest.
Also, you can talk about different sexual fantasies they may have and learn more about them. This way, they won’t feel lonely and be ready for another time. Do not always rush to bed after the sexual acts, stay awake and have proper interactions with everyone.
Aim to please your partners
The reason any person is engaging in a sexual act is that they want to be satisfied. This is also known as orgasm. Threesome is not different from having sex with another person as they share a similar goal of satisfaction.
However, there is a higher chance that there will be satisfaction since more parties are involved. Nevertheless, you must learn to please your partners. Everyone loves a selfless sexual partner as they place others before them.
Even when you may seem to be satisfied and losing interest, aim to please your partners. Show them you are concerned about their sexual gratifications too. This is an important way to maintain a long relationship with them.
You have to show a high level of deliberateness to keep a long relationship in a threesome. Remember, your focus is not only on one person anymore but two. Buckle up, tighten your seatbelt, and get ready for the long ride in your threesome relationship. Enjoy.